Friday, August 05, 2005

Mac x86 to get MS Office

I was inquisitive to find out if Microsoft was going to release a Microsoft Office for OS X x86. I hadn't read about it in the news.

Today I decided to email Robert Scoble to see if he knew. Robert forwarded my mail to Andy Ruff, who works on the Mac team. Andy confirmed that Microsoft intends to bring Microsoft Office to OS X x86. He gave a link to a post of Rick Shaut's which talks about the interesting challenges faced by developers migrating large apps to x86 (such as MS Office):

I'm not sure which was more exciting the fact that OS X x86 will have a version of Microsoft Office ported to it or the email exchange itself. One thing is for sure, communicating with Microsoft is easier than any other company I know of!

P.S. I'm glad Roberts taking a breather, its good to have a break and start fresh. I just hope he starts blogging again soon, I miss reading his blog.

Mozilla and hypocrisy

Right, but what about the experiences that Mozilla chooses to default for users like switching to  Yahoo and making that the default upon ...