Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Why Web Programming Matters Most

Why Web Programming Matters Most:

"By some coincidence three languages starting with P are often grouped together: Perl, PHP, and Python. It's a nice coincidence, and these are the languages I've thought about. Both Perl and PHP have had tremendous bursts of growth because of web programming."

I've been thinking of starting a programming project that is a web based application. I have been trying to decide on what language to work with. Out of the 3P's I've got the most experience with Python. I've run into a problem though. One of the things that the web based application will require is a method of accessing manipulate the disk quota settings on the system. No such module exists for Python. I could of course try porting that old module I talked about here. Which reminds me, I never finished that post, did I!

I've also been thinking about mod_python but I dont want to limit myself to one webserver. I want the code to run on the common webservers. I also want the code to be cross platform. Do I have to use PHP5? Perl?

Mozilla and hypocrisy

Right, but what about the experiences that Mozilla chooses to default for users like switching to  Yahoo and making that the default upon ...