Saturday, April 09, 2005

Qumana Investor Blog :: RSS's coming and fast

Qumana Investor Blog :: RSS's coming and fast

I'm not sure if RSS advertising is going to be a big hit. If the advertisements are not irritating it might. I know I have a feed, dont remember from whom that has googles advertisements in it. I still subscribe to the feed. Thats because the advertisements are small text boxes, with links in them. They are not images or flash advertisements that may be obtrusive, resource and bandwidth intensive, and distracting. Hey, and if the post is something that interests me, these ads might interest me too. But the moment the adds become obtrusive or distracting, the feed goes. I hope marketers realize this, I doubt it though!

P.S. its a feed from that has the text ads.
Russell Beattie's feed also seems to have similar advertisements.

Mozilla and hypocrisy

Right, but what about the experiences that Mozilla chooses to default for users like switching to  Yahoo and making that the default upon ...