Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Python 3000 - Google Video

Python 3000 road map, status, and what this means for the average Python user.

Source: Python 3000 - Google Video

Guido, creator of Python talks about what is going to be included in Python 3000. For instance, right now in Python 2.4 if you have a list such as:

>>> a_list = [2, 1, ""]

>>> a_list.sort()

You get back a sorted list:

>>> a_list

[1, 2, '']

In Python 3000 you should get a TypeError. 

One of the many items that might be useful to Python programmers coding future proof code, is covered by this talk. 

Mozilla and hypocrisy

Right, but what about the experiences that Mozilla chooses to default for users like switching to  Yahoo and making that the default upon ...