" 'Mark Shuttleworth says Linux users may need to stop being so fussy when putting demands on OEMs for pre-installed Linux PCs. CRN finds a response to Shuttleworth that seems to be both amusing and telling at the same time.'"
This is exactly what I was saying in my last post about the Dell Survey.
Mark says:
Second, we free software fans are a fussy crowd, and very hard to please. You know what you are like - you sit and configure that Dell system down to the finest detail
I know I am like this. The reason why I like kubuntu is that it makes it real easy to configure my system just the way I like it, in a matter of minutes. This helps me get down to what I want to do with the system. Write code, setup subversion and so forth.
BTW, Robert Scoble was asking me who he should speak to about Ubuntu. Mark Shuttleworth would be your man Robert. I think he is the founder of Canonical, the guys who make Ubuntu. And the best part is that he has a blog! And seems like he has had it for a while!
(Via Slashdot.)