Friday, March 21, 2008

Safari on Windows

Anybody else notice that the fonts in safari look really great on Windows Vista. Not sure if this is a change in Safari 3.1 or if it was their before, but I really like the display. Sometimes the fonts look better than they do in OS X!

The double click on tab bar to open a new tab feature doesn't seem that useful though. I usually have so many tabs open that their isn't any space where I could double click.

Update: Their is this brouhaha over Apple pushing Safari via Apple Updates. I think Tom Krazit says it best.
If you don't want Safari, don't click "install."

Please read before you click!

Asa Dotzler talks about trust:
It really is wrong to make cause for users to mistrust, or even worse, to distrust, software update systems.

I disagree. As a security conscious systems administrator, and X-files fan I say "Trust No One!".

Mozilla and hypocrisy

Right, but what about the experiences that Mozilla chooses to default for users like switching to  Yahoo and making that the default upon ...